Island 2000 Trust Blog

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Monday, February 25, 2008
Lemon drizzle

The future's bright, the future's orange with hedgelaying gear. The 2008 Isle of Wight Hedgelaying Competition brightened a drizzling grey day on the last Saturday of February (the traditional day, if 17 years is long enough for a tradition).

Every year there are more people muffled in their cosiest scarves and gloves to watch the brave people who work all day on their stretch of hedge, whatever the weather. National champions, Island champions - and maybe the champions of the future, students from the Isle of Wight College, whose team names are as punning as any pub quiz team.

Island 2000 was there in many guises and disguises.

Paul Sivell, now moved on to higher things, was one of the three judges.

Sam Buck was there with the Gift to Nature display.

And Rowan Adams was trying to load down the visitors with booklets on all aspects of land care, and promoting hedges for all the good things they do.

But of course the real point of the day was Debbie and Joy's delicious rolls and lemon drizzle cake...

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